About Holistic Musician
Whether you are a touring musician, recording artist, or hobbyist, there are always factors that can affect our ability to perform at our best. Be it fatigue, stress, mental fog, or just a plain old creative slump, all of these things can really limit our ability to express ourselves to the fullest with vigor and vitality. When on tour for example eating healthy is not always an option, sleep is deprived, and an enormous amount of stress comes with the rigors of travel and day to day touring life. All of these things create lingering problems within the body and create mental anguise that eventually tugs away at your spirit leading to anxiety and depression. With the majority of musicians not having access to insurance and or affordable healthcare it's important to find alternative remedies and treatments for these things that cause disharmony in our lives so that we re-tune ourselves back to our individual frequency of wellness!
Musician, Author, and Holistic Healing practitioner Sikander Scott Von Heldt has discovered that a deeper connection with your mind, body, and spirit will directly effect your musical expression and creativity as you walk the path of self-discovery. Becoming a Holistic Musician means becoming a WHOLE musician, in mind, body, and spirit. By tuning-in to the self and what we intuitively feel we can tap into not only our highest potential but we can even tap into the divine essence that makes music the true celestial art! ​These are the principles that Holistic Musician was founded on and we strive to offer you support in your journey as you walk your own path of individuality. The products and services we provide are tailored to your invidual needs and goals for both well-being and success!! Be it herbal and vitamin suppliments to keep you healthy and energized on the road or meditations and introspective practices that expand creativity and inner awareness, Holistic Musician is here to serve YOU in your quest to acheive your highest potential!