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PLUG IN and Get CONNECTED with Solid Cables!

Over this past weekend I went to visit a good friend of mine who was in town for The Amp Show, in Van Nuys, California. He happens to be the owner of Solid Cables, an up and coming high end cable company that I've been endorsing since joining forces with HEAD. Today while doing a short promo video for their cables, I used a few analogies that got me thinking about how important the interconnection is between the guitar and the amp... and ultimately, it's output to the audience. This further compelled me to ponder (as I often do) about how to apply the philosophy of the high end cable to my musicianship. So here are a few thoughts I'd like to share with you my friends

There is an old sales tactic which is used in music stores whenever someone buys a nice instrument. It goes something like this:

"Well Sir, you just bought a $1,000 guitar and a $1,000 amp. You can't use a $10 cable. Here, get this $100 cable. You want to get ALL the sound you just paid for right?"

Although that's a sales tactic, it carries a thread of truth. Higher end cables are made from better quality base materials. They are often hand woven, as opposed to machine thread cables. This type of personal attention insures that each cable is made with a high standard of quality, resulting in a MUCH sharper, cleaner and crisper sound. I likened this to organic cooking. When you use fresh organically grown ingredients that are locally grown, the outcome is: a better quality meal that is healthier for you, better tasting, better for the local economy, and ultimately reducing the footprint we leave behind on our planet.

ALL of these positive effects come from spending a few dollars more per week to spring for organic products, as opposed to the generic low cost options offered at your local big-box grocer. The same runs true for our musicianship. If we step on stage with the intention of reaching every person possible with our music while we perform, then we need that spirit in us to translate through our instrument, our gear, and to the ears of the listener. Like theexpensive cable, you have to put in a little more, to get the outcome you desire. But when you are willing to dig deep and put a little more in, there is no denying that the choice is better.

The idea is to practice more, work extra hard on that technique you wanna master, stay with that new song till it's finished. Give yourself the FULL RANGE of your own capability by plugging into how vital the little things are at adding a much more moving force to your music. So stop being cheap with your practice! Spend a little extra now and make TODAY the day you decise to step up and join the elite few "high end" players out there on the market. After all, "you wanna get ALL the success you practiced for right?

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