Music: A Doorway to Self-Realization
Realization is the awakening of a certain level of understanding, in which something that appeared unclear has revealed its secret and...
Shining Light On The Dark Ages: The Concept of Mind Over Metal
Throughout human history, music has been an ever changing and evolving art form. It has embraced and expressed the views of many tribes...
Finding Inspiration and Motivation to Play!
An ispirational work of art by master metal artist Mr. Sawbladehead @NAMM 2014 It's easy to get yourself amped up and rockin' when you...
When the artist loses himself in his art, then the art comes to life!
"When the artist loses himself in his art, then the art comes to life." Bowl of Saki, December 11, by Hazrat Inayat Khan In all my...
The Five Elements - Ninja Magic for Guitarists!
Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood The law of the five elements has long been a huge part of martial arts, philosophy, mystical and...
The Art of Self-Discovery - Embracing Your Individuality
What is Self-Discovery? The name implies a journey or a quest that will end in the finding of a personal treasure buried deep within...
Attention to Detail!
No matter how much raw talent or ability one innately possesses the one thing that always makes particular artists stand out is their...
The Spirit of Music
In ancient times, poetry and music were often considered sacred testimony carried out by enlightened souls sharing their experience of...
Creating the Perfect Solo!
Guitar-God in action, Joe Satriani shreddin' away on another perfect solo! Songwriting is a process that comes easily for some and takes...
Building Your Technique Arsenal!
There are many ways that a guitarist can progress and improve upon their skill level no matter what style of music they play or skill...